/wxweditor/lang/zh-cn/zh-cn-zh.js?v=4fff0 /wxweditor/ueditor.config-zh.js?v=6f0d6 /wxweditor/ueditor.config-zh.js?v=6f0d6 忽然收到亚马逊的邮件说被人投诉listing侵权,但是找了很久没有发现哪里出了问题,还发现listing的首图不见了,然后是 Impress…… | 旺销王
忽然收到亚马逊的邮件说被人投诉listing侵权,但是找了很久没有发现哪里出了问题,还发现listing的首图不见了,然后是 Impress……
今天等账号的时候发现那个listing的首图不见了,然后是 Impress ,但是首图和别人家还是不一样的,,请问这样的问题应该解决呢??
We are contacting you because we received a report of copyright infringement from the rights owner listed below. Sellers on Amazon.com are not allowed to create listings or detail pages that infringe copyright.

We removed the content listed at the end of this email. We may let you list this content again if we receive a retraction of the complaint from the rights owner. Their contact information can be found below.
 If the rights owner agrees to retract their complaint, they must send the retraction to us at notice-dispute@亚马逊.com.

If you believe that the reported content does not infringe the rights owner’s copyright, you may email notice-dispute@amazon.com with supporting information, if appropriate.

If the rights owner does not retract their complaint, or you do not provide supporting information, we may provide your contact information to the rights owner upon their request.

We consider allegations of intellectual property infringement a serious matter and your account is under review. If we receive more complaints about your listings, we may not allow you to sell on Amazon.com.
勤奋的黑肉 2018/6/5
  • lyg85632
    发件人是 : notice@亚马逊.com                                                                                                                      
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