/wxweditor/lang/zh-cn/zh-cn-zh.js?v=4fff0 /wxweditor/ueditor.config-zh.js?v=6f0d6 /wxweditor/ueditor.config-zh.js?v=6f0d6 品牌备案后,投诉别的卖家跟卖侵权问题 | 旺销王
本公司的商标仅在A 店铺备案后,投诉其他卖家跟卖亚马逊 很快就移除了别人的listing。但是这个品牌后来在B 店铺备案后,amazon 就发邮件说证据不充分,无法移除“You have not provided sufficient evidence to support your request for the removal of the reported content. We cannot take action on or complete any requests in your report for the reasons listed below.

You have not provided evidence that these products were illegally manufactured, recopied, or unlawfully obtained. We respect a manufacturer's right to enter into exclusive or selective distribution agreements, but we do not help to enforce these agreements. Enforcement of these agreements is a matter between the manufacturer and distributor.”
后来通过test buy 下了一单提供order id 就能移除别人的listing。
自己马甲店铺也收到过由于“侵权”本公司其他品牌的notification导致自己店铺被封,这个貌似是amazon 系统自己识别的,不是自己公司员工投诉的。
现在情况是 跟卖 凌晨3点钟开始跟卖,早上就撤了。我想问问有没有什么办法找amazon 投诉,通杀没有备案卖家的listing。
全国各地发 2017/12/14